“Practicing the ‘Threefold Mystery’: Rethinking a Shingon Ritual from Dichotomy to Dialectic” by Richard K. Payne is a part of Special Issue 4: Philosophy and Contemplation in Tantric Buddhism, Guest edited by Yaroslav Komarovski.
Abstract: After a century and a half of focus on Buddhist doctrine, academic attention is increasingly being paid to practice. What remains undertheorized, however, is the relation between the two. An example of this is the idea that tantric practice is simply a ritual technology, separate and autonomous from doctrinal formulation. This is a persisting academic trope, one that conceptualizes doctrine and practice dichotomously. The effect that dichotomizing doctrine from practice has on the study of contemplative practices is considered in this essay, which first introduces the trope and then explores its supports in Western intellectual culture. Despite its prevalence, the dichotomous representation of doctrine and practice is methodologically dysfunctional. As an alternative, it is proposed that the relation between doctrine and practice is better understood as dialectical, sometimes represented in Buddhist literature by the image of “the two wings of a bird.” This relation is explored by examining a particular tantric ritual, a Shingon homa.
Keywords: Tantric Buddhism, ritual, tantra, Shingon (真言), threefold mystery (sanmitsu, 三密), threefold contemplation, praxis, doctrine
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DOI: https: //doi.org/10.57010/XNID2516