Announcing the launch of the Contemplative Forum, an academic email listserv that facilitates scholarly exchanges in Contemplative Studies. Sign-up on the Contemplative Forum webpage.
The forum promotes humanistic and transdisciplinary scholarship and research in Contemplative Studies, and connects a global community of scholars, researchers, practitioners, and educators to support field-building activities. The Contemplative Forum is free and moderated to promote a safe, dynamic, and diverse community of members where ideas, questions, publications, and requests can be shared. Once subscribed, members will receive periodic curated email digests that include general queries and discussions; community announcements about conference panels, workshops, edited volumes, special issues, and collaborative projects; and the latest publication news from the Journal of Contemplative Studies.
Members can subscribe via the subscription form on the JCS webpage to be approved by the listserv moderators. Members can post announcements or send messages to the community listserv via the moderators at the email,
The Contemplative Forum listserv is moderated by the JCS Editors at the University of Virginia, and hosted on the UVA server.
Subscribe, share, and engage with the global Contemplative Studies community.